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Do a good job (PC) endurance board installation and cleaning to extend the life of the endurance board


Do a good job (PC) endurance board installation and cleaning to extend the life of the endurance board

The  material of endurance board is widely known and used in many  industries. However, the concept of the endurance is only to stay in the  original appearance, and the knowledge of its performance and  construction, installation and maintenance is very scarce. Cracking occurred shortly after the installation of the endurance board.

In  order to avoid the above-mentioned unfavorable situation, Wuxi  endurance board manufacturers---Shanghang endurance board will summarize  the main points of installation of PC endurance board as follows:

Key point 1: Endurance board installation space reserved

Due  to the thermal expansion and contraction performance, the space of the  endurance board must be reserved when it is installed, otherwise the  cracking of the endurance board will occur in the future. Also, do not use sealing materials when processing, because the sealing material will cause damage to the endurance board.

Point 2: Use of sealant

Neutral must be used when using sealant because it will be corrosive to the endurance board. Also,  if the endurance board is to be cleaned, be sure to use clean water or a  neutral detergent for cleaning, then wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Whether  the installation of the endurance board is correct and reasonable is  directly related to the length of the service life of the endurance  board. Therefore, the endurance board of the product reminds the users  to go to the construction site to supervise and promote the technical  problems more than the endurance board manufacturers communicate.

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