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The characteristics of the rice type sun plate


The product features of the Mi-shaped Sunshine Board are as follows:
(1) Transmittance: The transmittance of PC sunlight board is up to 89%, which is comparable to glass. UV-coated  panels do not produce yellowing under sunlight, and fogging, poor light  transmission, light loss is only 10% after 10 years, PVC loss rate is  as high as 15%-20%, and fiberglass is 12 %-20%.
(2)  Anti-collision: the impact strength is 250-300 times that of ordinary  glass, 30 times of acrylic glass of the same thickness, 2-20 times of  tempered glass, and there are no cracks when falling 2 meters below 3kg  hammer. The name of "glass" and "sound steel".
(3)  UV protection: The PC board is coextruded with anti-ultraviolet (UV)  coating on one side and anti-condensation treatment on the other side.  It combines anti-UV, anti-fog and anti-fog functions. It blocks UV rays and protects valuable artwork and exhibits from UV damage.
(4)  Light weight: The specific gravity is only half of that of glass,  saving the cost of transportation, handling, installation and supporting  frame.
(5) Flame retardant: The national standard GB8624-2006 confirms that the PC sunshine board is flame retardant grade B. PC  board's own ignition point is 580 ° C, self-extinguishing from the  fire, burning will not produce toxic gases, will not promote the spread  of fire.
(6) Flexibility: It can be installed in an arched, semi-circular top and window according to the design drawing. The minimum bending radius is 175 times the thickness of the plate, and it can also be bent.
(7)  Sound insulation: PC solar panels have obvious sound insulation effect,  and have better acoustic insulation than glass and acrylic sheets of  the same thickness. Under the same thickness conditions, the sound  insulation of PC solar panels is 5-9DB higher than that of glass. . Internationally the material of choice for highway noise barriers.
(8)  Energy-saving: cool in summer, heat in winter, PC solar panel has lower  thermal conductivity (K value) than ordinary glass and other plastics,  heat insulation effect is 7%-25% higher than equivalent glass, PC  sunshine board Insulation up to 49%. Therefore,  the heat loss is greatly reduced, and the building used for the heating  equipment is an environmentally friendly material.
(9)  Temperature adaptability: PC board does not appear cold-brittle at -40  °C, does not soften at 125 °C, and its mechanical and mechanical  properties do not change significantly in harsh environments.
(10)  Weather resistance: PC solar panels can maintain the stability of  various physical indexes in the range of -40 ° C to 120 ° C. The  artificial climate aging test was 4000 hours, the yellowing degree was  2, and the light transmittance reduction value was only 0.6%.
(11)  Anti-condensation: The outdoor temperature is 0 ° C, the indoor  temperature is 23 ° C, and the indoor relative humidity is less than  80%, the inner surface of the material does not condense. The dew will flow away from the surface of the board and will not drip.
(12)  It is simple and convenient. It is not as bulky as traditional  materials. It has been widely used in coastal areas of China in recent  years.

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